Jalapeno beef burger with guacamole

2020-09-30T08:19:18+02:00Thursday, 21 April 2016| Dinner|Tags: , , |

Burgers, done properly, are a thing of beauty. They’re super easy and cheap to make. Best of all? They’re actually quite healthy. Now before the fast food insults start flying, let me qualify. A burger is healthy IF you make it yourself, because you’re in control of what goes in. Use good beef mince, and not much more than a [...]

Oven roasted tomato and spinach pie

2022-08-16T14:27:03+02:00Monday, 11 April 2016| Dinner|Tags: , |

Health has been a bit of a buzzword in the Melkkos & Merlot kitchen of late. Coming from the queen of butter and cream, this is strange I know. What triggered the madness? First, I was invited to the launch of Parmalat’s new range of cottage cheese. Already the biggest cheese brand in the country, Parlamat has now expanded their [...]

Pulled beef shin chilli con carne

2022-08-23T12:32:41+02:00Wednesday, 16 March 2016| Dinner|Tags: , , |

Chilli con carne – if Wikipedia is to be believed (and that’s a big IF), this dish traces its roots back to the Texas of 1850. According to the same dodgy source, they smaak it so much down South that it was designated the official dish of Texas by ‘House Concurrent Resolution Number 18’ of the 65th Texas Legislature in [...]

Flank beef steak on the braai

2022-08-19T22:10:01+02:00Tuesday, 22 September 2015| Dinner|Tags: , , , |

Other than boerewors, beef is not something I braai very often. I simply think most cuts of beef respond better to other cooking methods. And at R140+ per kilo, beef steak – whether it be rump, sirloin or fillet – is not something I’m overly keen to feed the masses on. But last time I checked, a cow consisted of [...]

Oxtail tomato bredie with gnocchi

2022-08-16T14:29:30+02:00Friday, 19 June 2015| Dinner|Tags: , , , |

Yesterday I posted my first recipe using the wonderful goodies in my ZZ2 Mouthwatering Box. My surprise box contained garlic, onions, avo and pretty much every kind of tomato I can think of. In my first recipe I featured garlic and tomato as equal co-stars (get the recipe here). But this next episode has space for only one superstar diva [...]

provençal lamb shank

2022-08-16T14:47:28+02:00Monday, 30 June 2014| Dinner|Tags: , |

Cookbooks are a little like shoes, you can never have too many. But unlike shoes, books do not have to be new. In fact some of my very favourite ones in my collection are at least 40 years old. I often go rummaging in second-hand bookstores and almost always discover a new gem – like my latest find, Robert Carrier’s [...]

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