Smoked salmon paté

2020-09-30T08:18:58+02:00Monday, 27 March 2017| Nibbles|Tags: , |

Champagne taste on a beer budget… That’s pretty much my biggest culinary challenge. Take smoked salmon. I love it. Do I get to dig into the prime stuff often? Not often, no. Actually, more like not at all. It’s just too expensive. Instead I feed my smoked salmon inner beast with smoked salmon off-cuts. It’s not pretty to look at [...]

Salmon cream cheese Paris Brest

2022-08-16T14:39:09+02:00Wednesday, 6 May 2015| Baking, Nibbles|Tags: , |

It started with the Great British Bake Off, followed locally by DStv’s marvellous Koekedoor. All over the country kitchen drawers, not opened for decades, are being scoured for piping bags and palette knives. Yup folks, baking is the new sexy. Last week I was fortunate enough to have tea at the charming M Patisserie in Stellenbosch. It belongs to Martjie [...]

Corn fritters with salmon and lemon-dill creme fraîche

2022-08-16T14:48:39+02:00Thursday, 7 November 2013| Nibbles|Tags: , , |

Accounting was not my strongest subject at school. OK that’s being generous. Truth is, I was dangerously close to flunking it. The whole debit and credit column thing didn’t really resonate with the teenage me. It still doesn’t, not really. My bank manager probably finds this a bit disconcerting. The topic of family cropped up the other day. Given the [...]

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