My, my it’s bobotie pie!

2022-08-16T14:27:36+02:00Tuesday, 28 July 2015| Dinner|Tags: , , , |

‘Gatvol’. Most of my compatriots would need no explanation. But to my readers in other countries, it’s kinda like fed up – times a thousand. And that’s exactly what I was last week. Because why? Because load shedding. (For my foreign readers ‘load shedding’ is our quaint, euphemistic term for electricity blackouts.) Now normally this would not make much of [...]

Steak and kidney pie

2022-08-16T14:28:57+02:00Sunday, 28 June 2015| Baking, Dinner|Tags: , |

There’s a little game I like playing. It’s called ‘Spot The Meat’. No, this is not as crude as it sounds. I’m referring to pie here. You know, the kind you get at the hot counter in the supermarket deli section. Or, if you’re truly desperate, at filling stations. Bite into it and you get gooey, oozing not-awesomeness. Visually it’s [...]

Shortcut old-fashioned chicken pie

2022-08-16T14:29:47+02:00Wednesday, 18 February 2015| Dinner|Tags: , , |

My gran – in the way of so many women of her generation I suppose – was a kitchen whizz on the quiet. Dress a 300kg carcass in under an hour? No problem. Whip up a four-tier wedding cake with marzipan and delicate OTT floral sugarwork by Monday? Sure sweetie. I wish I had learnt more from her while I [...]

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