Sauvignon saffron pears with yoghurt cream

2020-09-30T08:18:40+02:00Monday, 1 July 2019| Sweet tooth|Tags: |

Impossible to describe and, once tasted, impossible to forget – that’s saffron for you. It’s brilliant in any savoury rice-based dish like paella or risotto; gobsmackingly good with seafood and tomato-based stews or soups; a treat in biscuits and even ideal for custards. Of course it’s not just the flavour of saffron that makes it such a kitchen star, there’s [...]

Spiced red wine pears with coffee-chocolate sauce, almond ice cream and brittle

2022-08-16T14:40:58+02:00Wednesday, 1 April 2015| Sweet tooth|Tags: , , , |

I’d intended to do something utterly decadent and fabulous that somehow involved chocolate eggs with marshmallow filling for this post. Something tongue in cheek. Something irreverent. Because that, of course, is my default setting. Then I was invited to take part in the Fairtrade Fortnight Foodie Challenge that coincides with Fairtrade’s two-week The Power Of You campaign. And I said [...]

Pear and marzipan tartlets with chocolate ganache

2022-08-23T09:10:22+02:00Wednesday, 11 June 2014| Baking, Sweet tooth|Tags: , , |

The thing about spending the amount of time in the kitchen that I do, is things can get a bit lonely. Merlot is an excellent conversationalist, to be sure. But as I don’t actually speak 'cat', her incessant chatter isn’t exactly what I would call spell binding. So when the inimitable Nina Timm from My Easy Cooking asked if I’d [...]

Roasted ginger pears

2022-08-16T14:37:05+02:00Thursday, 13 February 2014| Baking, Nibbles|Tags: , |

When women get depressed, they shop – generally for shoes. Given that A) I already have about 40 pairs; B) I actually wear only maybe five of them and C) I would need to move house if I bought just one more pair, I decided to give this up. Not the practice of shopping to get my head screwed on [...]

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