Mushroom risotto with sage beurre noisette

2020-09-30T08:18:37+02:00Monday, 2 March 2020| Dinner|Tags: |

Yup folks, since yesterday it’s officially autumn. Now I know it’s still hot as Hades, but there is a decided nip in the early morning air. March and April are just my favourite, favourite months of year. Still some super sweet lush summer fruits like grapes on offer, but crisp apples are starting to make their appearance along with gorgeous [...]

Fabulously retro beef stroganoff

2020-09-30T08:18:40+02:00Wednesday, 31 July 2019| Dinner|Tags: |

Wonderful bottles of wine frequently come knocking on my door. Like last week, when Voor-Paardeberg’s Vondeling Wines dropped in to say hi. In the box? A bottle of their flagship, premium Rhône-style blend, Monsonia. But that wasn’t all. Snuggled up next to this beauty I found an onion, garlic, a lemon, a tin of mushrooms and a tin of cream [...]

Pork chops with mushrooms and cider cream sauce

2020-09-30T08:18:44+02:00Wednesday, 24 April 2019| Dinner|Tags: , |

Autumn is well and truly here. My driveway is covered in leaves that need raking every second day; the squirrels are super active, busily burying acorns in my lawn; and the cat is starting to look like one of those fancy outdoor puffer jackets. I wish I could magically grow a dense coat to get me through winter! As I’m [...]

Cream of mushroom soup with truffle-parmesan toasties

2020-09-30T08:18:51+02:00Friday, 2 March 2018| Soup|Tags: |

Well folks, it’s officially autumn. I couldn’t be happier, because early autumn is my absolutely favourite, favourite time of year. High summer stone fruits are still around, grapes are everywhere, so too figs and pomegranates. The days are still warmly languid, but there’s a decided crispness to be found on the early morning air. Just perfect. It’s a time of [...]

Ultimate mushroom mozzarella toastie

2020-09-30T08:18:56+02:00Friday, 23 June 2017| Nibbles|Tags: , |

I’ve given this some thought and have concluded that people can essentially be distilled into two groups. In the first you’ll find organised folks, those with neat cupboards and even neater fridges. They own shares in Tupperware and everything in their kitchen is neatly colour-coded, lined up like Westpoint graduates on parade. Then there’s the other kind, those of us [...]

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