Green bean bredie

2020-09-30T08:19:09+02:00Thursday, 14 July 2016| Dinner|Tags: , , , |

Green bean bredie – of course one has to call it a bredie, for nothing this soul satisfying could possibly be called a mere stew. What makes this a true South African bredie? The addition of marvellous old-fashioned boerekos spices along with liberal lashings of lard. This is gran’s green bean bredie recipe, but I’ve given it a modern twist. [...]

Lamb kebabs with fruity couscous & pomegranate raita

2022-08-16T14:40:09+02:00Friday, 10 April 2015| Dinner|Tags: |

Pomegranates. They’re probably as trendy as a fruit can be. Open a food mag or check out food packaging and chances are these ruby jewels will feature – on pretty much anything, from chocolate cupcakes to raw boerewors. (I get the former, the latter is a bit weird.) My memory of pomegranates is a nostalgic one that goes way back. [...]

Moroccan spiced lamb with raspberry-mint sauce

2022-08-16T14:29:57+02:00Tuesday, 10 February 2015| Dinner|Tags: |

See a woman amble aimlessly around a fashion store for hours on end and nobody bats an eyelid. Try doing the same thing in a supermarket, and security guards get downright twitchy. None of this picking up stuff, checking it out and putting it back. That’s OK for a dress, but apparently not for a bottle of pickles. But here’s [...]

provençal lamb shank

2022-08-16T14:47:28+02:00Monday, 30 June 2014| Dinner|Tags: , |

Cookbooks are a little like shoes, you can never have too many. But unlike shoes, books do not have to be new. In fact some of my very favourite ones in my collection are at least 40 years old. I often go rummaging in second-hand bookstores and almost always discover a new gem – like my latest find, Robert Carrier’s [...]

pasta with lamb ragu

2022-08-16T14:35:30+02:00Thursday, 24 April 2014| Dinner|Tags: , , |

People aren’t all the same and that’s probably a good thing. I can’t begin to image how epically boring a place the world would be if they were. Unfortunately this different-strokes-for-different-folks thing is a bit of pain when it comes to writing recipes. Take my friend Betty (not her real name, as she would NOT be amused). She pecks at [...]

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