Tequila chicken flattie (Pollo Asado, my way)

2020-09-30T08:19:06+02:00Thursday, 8 September 2016| Dinner|Tags: , , |

The humble chicken is revered in Mexico. Not ever having been there, I didn’t really know this. Until I did some research recently for a job involving, well chicken. It’s massively popular street food over there with gigantic street barbeques laden with whole chickens in double-digit numbers dotted about the place. The Mexicans call it Pollo Asado. Recipes differ wildly [...]

Salted caramel popcorn balls

2022-08-18T12:29:18+02:00Monday, 14 December 2015| Nibbles, Sweet tooth|Tags: |

The ‘interweb’ is a dangerous place. I can think of few other things that encourage such a false sense of privacy. Because it’s just you right? Sitting in your jammies no make-up on, sipping rooibos, hammering away at your latest post. All alone. Totally private. Completely safe. Like a 19th century diary with a teeny titanium lock. In reality of [...]

Flank beef steak on the braai

2022-08-19T22:10:01+02:00Tuesday, 22 September 2015| Dinner|Tags: , , , |

Other than boerewors, beef is not something I braai very often. I simply think most cuts of beef respond better to other cooking methods. And at R140+ per kilo, beef steak – whether it be rump, sirloin or fillet – is not something I’m overly keen to feed the masses on. But last time I checked, a cow consisted of [...]

Smokey barbecued corn on the cob

2022-08-16T14:46:20+02:00Thursday, 3 April 2014| Dinner|Tags: , |

Corn on the cob (or as we South Africans prefer to call them, mealies) remind me of cute grade one kids with missing teeth and ponytails. I’m not referring to the sterile shop versions that have been plucked, waxed and topped and tailed until they’re perfect physical specimens. I’m talking proper corn on the cob, the ones sleeping soundly inside [...]

Corn fritters with salmon and lemon-dill creme fraîche

2022-08-16T14:48:39+02:00Thursday, 7 November 2013| Nibbles|Tags: , , |

Accounting was not my strongest subject at school. OK that’s being generous. Truth is, I was dangerously close to flunking it. The whole debit and credit column thing didn’t really resonate with the teenage me. It still doesn’t, not really. My bank manager probably finds this a bit disconcerting. The topic of family cropped up the other day. Given the [...]

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