Heksie Hartley’s Christmas fruitcake

2022-08-19T10:53:50+02:00Thursday, 29 October 2015| Baking, Sweet tooth|Tags: , |

‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s the….’ You were singing that weren’t you? That’s OK because it’s perfectly acceptable to be nuts about Christmas. I am. Now I know Christmas is not about the bright lights, the pressies and the parties. But I really, really do so love the build up to and the bling that is [...]

Walnut pizza with smoked beef and brie

2022-08-19T10:51:31+02:00Thursday, 22 October 2015| Baking, Dinner|Tags: , |

A worried reader contacted me a few days ago to enquire about my startling lack of a post last week. The explanation for my absence is simple. It goes like this: lipstick on a pig. You see, like any other cook, I have bad days in the kitchen – especially when I’m originating recipes. When I’m on post deadline and [...]

Best-ever jam doughnuts

2020-09-30T08:19:23+02:00Wednesday, 7 October 2015| Sweet tooth|

Land of the free. Home of the brave. And place of the truly terrible doughnut. Yip folks, that’s America for you. Now before y’all go gettin’ your knickers in a knot, allow me to qualify. I am sure you get truly epically awesome doughnuts in the birthplace of these delectable, moreish delights. But an all-too-short visit some moons ago to [...]

Rosé Rocks – Top South African Rosé Wines 2015

2022-08-18T16:10:20+02:00Thursday, 1 October 2015| Wine tasting|

The cool thing about living in Cape Town is that, every so often, one gets to stop what one’s doing, pour a glass of vino and stare at the (take your pick) mountain or sea. People from other cities find this vexing. I’ve long concluded they’re just jealous. It was the waves’ turn to be stared at last night. The [...]

Irish soda bread

2020-09-30T08:19:24+02:00Tuesday, 29 September 2015| Baking, Basic recipes|Tags: |

I have a policy and it’s a good one – when a bottle of anything comes knocking on my door, I let it in. And so it was last week when the folks from La Motte wine estate sent over two gorgeous ribbon-festooned bottles of their specialist jams from the La Motte farm shop for me to try. Strawberry, lemongrass [...]

Flank beef steak on the braai

2022-08-19T22:10:01+02:00Tuesday, 22 September 2015| Dinner|Tags: , , , |

Other than boerewors, beef is not something I braai very often. I simply think most cuts of beef respond better to other cooking methods. And at R140+ per kilo, beef steak – whether it be rump, sirloin or fillet – is not something I’m overly keen to feed the masses on. But last time I checked, a cow consisted of [...]

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