Salted caramel popcorn balls

2022-08-18T12:29:18+02:00Monday, 14 December 2015| Nibbles, Sweet tooth|Tags: |

The ‘interweb’ is a dangerous place. I can think of few other things that encourage such a false sense of privacy. Because it’s just you right? Sitting in your jammies no make-up on, sipping rooibos, hammering away at your latest post. All alone. Totally private. Completely safe. Like a 19th century diary with a teeny titanium lock. In reality of [...]

Nutella hot chocolate bomb

2020-09-30T08:19:21+02:00Thursday, 26 November 2015| Sweet tooth|Tags: |

Nutella, hot chocolate, and bomb – use these words in a sentence and it can only be a good thing. I’m not a mommy. OK I am, but a mommy of feline wee ones, not actual human ones. Still, I know only too well the trial of school hols. No matter how I may have looked forward to it as [...]

Harissa-spiced roast butternut & red onion salad with cucumber-mint dressing

2020-09-30T08:19:21+02:00Tuesday, 24 November 2015| Salad|

Size does matter. I know this because I’m inordinately attracted to all things small – puppies, kittens, quail eggs, those teeny baby apples. Too cute for words. So when I spotted tiny red onions at Woolies on Friday, it was pretty much a given that they would end up in my basket. Red onions are normally outrageously expensive. These diminutive [...]

Cookies-‘n-custard ice cream

2020-09-30T08:19:22+02:00Monday, 16 November 2015| Sweet tooth|Tags: |

You get four kinds of people when it comes to custard. 1) Those with deep pockets and patience who make the real deal from cream and a small fortune in eggs. 2) Those who put in some sort of effort and whip up the powdered version. 3) Those who take the easy way out and buy the ready-made, long-life one. [...]

Whiskey sour cocktail

2022-08-19T21:46:56+02:00Thursday, 12 November 2015| Drinks|Tags: |

Sex On The Beach, it just doesn’t do it for me. Neither do Orgasms. Not terribly Cosmopolitan of me, I know. But I’m just not that kind of girl. A cocktail drinker that is. My knowledge of hard tack and cocktails was kinda up there with No 1’s ability to make sense of income statements and read balance sheets. Notable [...]

Duck liver paté with cranberry jelly and ciabatta melba

2020-09-30T08:19:22+02:00Thursday, 5 November 2015| Nibbles|Tags: |

Paté – it’s just better home-made and nothing could be simpler. Few things beat smooth creamy chicken liver paté. I was about to make some, but then I spotted duck livers from The Duck Farm at P&P. Only R10 more than the chicken one? Sold. Back home I used my basic chicken liver paté recipe with lovely thyme, sage and [...]

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