Nutella, hot chocolate, and bomb – use these words in a sentence and it can only be a good thing. I’m not a mommy. OK I am, but a mommy of feline wee ones, not actual human ones. Still, I know only too well the trial of school hols. No matter how I may have looked forward to it as a ten-year-old, ten days in I’d invariably be bored… and start nagging. It’s only now that I appreciate how epically irritating that must have been for my mum.

So this post is for all the moms out there who are gritting their teeth (seriously no judgement) at the thought of more than a month with the dear darlings underfoot. Get them in the kitchen making these and not only will they be occupied for an hour, but they’ll think you’re the ‘rockingest’ of rocking moms.

All you need is…

Large slab of milk chocolate
Small jar Nutella
Small artists’ brushes
Plastic chocolate mould

To avoid a small war, start by cutting the chocolate mould so each kid has his or her own individual mould. Break the chocolate into blocks and place in a bowl. Blitz in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time (no more!) and stir in between each session. Once melted, stir until smooth and let it cool down for a few minutes so it’s still runny but not hot, it makes it easier to work with. Dip paintbrushes in the chocolate and paint first the sides and then the bottom of the chocolate moulds. Place in the fridge for a minute or two to harden. Repeat twice more.

Once the final layer of chocolate is hard and set, use a teaspoon to spoon Nutella into the chocolate moulds but do not fill them. Leave a 2mm gap. Fill that gap by spooning over the last of the melted chocolate and refrigerate until set. Once set, remove from the moulds. Keep the Nutella hot chocolate bombs in the fridge until used. To make hot chocolate, simply boil milk, pour into glasses, drop in a Nutella bomb, stir and tuck in.

If I was making these as a treat for adults, I’d probably use dark chocolate. If like me you’re watching the scales, try my low cal cheat’s orange hot chocolate recipe. Happy holidays!




15 min


10 min

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