Harissa-spiced mint, carrot and beetroot salad

2020-09-30T08:19:24+02:00Thursday, 17 September 2015| Salad|Tags: |

BEETROOT – a small word that elicits a huge response. Few people are in the neutral camp when it comes to this veggie. You have your loathers and your lovers and that’s pretty much it. I have nothing empirical to base this on, but I figure when we hear the word, most of us automatically think of bottled beetroot in [...]

Western Cape wine events, Heritage day weekend 2015

2020-09-30T08:19:24+02:00Wednesday, 16 September 2015| Wine tasting|

If you're in the Cape over the Heritage Day long weekend (yes, I know Friday is a work day, but really, who'll be working?) there is plenty to do eats and drinks wise. Webersburg Wine Estate: Art and Dine Experience 23 & 24 September 2015 Indulge in a journey through fine art, food and wine at Webersburg Wine Estate’s [...]

Basic French meringue recipe

2020-09-30T08:19:24+02:00Thursday, 10 September 2015| Baking, Basic recipes, Sweet tooth|Tags: |

Meringue is my default go-to pud because on the zero-effort/maximum-impact scale, it measures a perfect 10. And there is none easier than French meringue. No, it’s not called French meringue to make it sound extra fancy, it’s called French meringue to distinguish it from two other types of meringue: Swiss meringue and Italian meringue. French meringue is by far the [...]

Chicken, leek and mushroom burger

2022-08-19T19:20:57+02:00Tuesday, 1 September 2015| Dinner|Tags: , , |

Chicken and leek is one of those flavour combo no-brainers. Add some mushrooms to the mix, top it with flaky puff pastry and you have a pretty awesome chicken pot pie. But Merlot and I like shaking things up a bit in the kitchen. So we wondered what would happen if I took this traditional flavour combination and put it [...]

My, my it’s bobotie pie!

2022-08-16T14:27:36+02:00Tuesday, 28 July 2015| Dinner|Tags: , , , |

‘Gatvol’. Most of my compatriots would need no explanation. But to my readers in other countries, it’s kinda like fed up – times a thousand. And that’s exactly what I was last week. Because why? Because load shedding. (For my foreign readers ‘load shedding’ is our quaint, euphemistic term for electricity blackouts.) Now normally this would not make much of [...]

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