Ultimate mushroom mozzarella toastie

2020-09-30T08:18:56+02:00Friday, 23 June 2017| Nibbles|Tags: , |

I’ve given this some thought and have concluded that people can essentially be distilled into two groups. In the first you’ll find organised folks, those with neat cupboards and even neater fridges. They own shares in Tupperware and everything in their kitchen is neatly colour-coded, lined up like Westpoint graduates on parade. Then there’s the other kind, those of us [...]

Heavenly lemony French Madeleine

2020-09-30T08:18:56+02:00Thursday, 25 May 2017| Baking, Sweet tooth|Tags: |

My silence the last 2-3 weeks has been thunderous to say the least. I apologise for this and can offer as an excuse only that I have been working my little heart out. Developing recipes, making food pretty and taking piccies. A girl's gotta live after all. And then I had the cheek to go and look for some well-deserved [...]

Roasted butternut and butter bean paté

2022-08-19T22:17:07+02:00Friday, 5 May 2017| Nibbles|Tags: |

I’m not much one for getting up early. Granted I get up at 3am, 4am and again at 5am most nights to let my cat in the bedroom window because the little monster won’t use the cat flap in the kitchen. And I get up again at 6am to give said feline a breakfast snack because if I don’t, the [...]

Everything-and-the-kitchen-sink minestrone

2020-09-30T08:18:57+02:00Monday, 24 April 2017| Soup|Tags: , , , |

Easter is gone and May beckons. Yup folks, soup season is upon us. Not the stick-to-your-ribs kind packed with truckloads of meaty bones quite yet. That’s for June. The in-between evenings of May call for something altogether lighter I think. Lighter, yet still comforting. Minestrone is the answer. Now minestrone is one of those jolly fabulous recipes that can be [...]

Hot cross crumpets

2020-09-30T08:18:57+02:00Wednesday, 12 April 2017| Breakfast, Nibbles, Sweet tooth|Tags: |

I’m a bit stunned that a quarter of the year is gone and Easter is mere days away. My response to this freakishly quick passage of time is the same as my response to the scale on the infrequent occasions I bother to get on it – how the heck did it happen? But Easter it is and something Easter-themed [...]

5-spice pork spare ribs

2020-09-30T08:18:57+02:00Tuesday, 4 April 2017| Dinner|Tags: , |

Pork spare ribs – they have to be one of my ultimate braai time treats, but only if they are done right. That means they are melt-in-the-mouth, fall-off-the-bone soft, yet smokey and charred at the same time. The secret to getting it right? An initial cook followed by a super hot bit of braai love at the end. Now you [...]

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